Habitus and radical reflexivity: A conceptual approach to study political articulations of lifestyle- and tourism-related mobilities.

This article develops a framework for the analysis of political participation and community involvement in destinations of lifestyle mobility. Based on central arguments of Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice, the proposed conceptual approach defends the idea that the political activation of relatively affluent and often senior citizens in lifestyle communities can be thought of as an expression of habitus dispositions that are the subject of radical reflexivity. The presented frame is proved empirically by means of an analysis of both formal and informal political participation processes at the Spanish Costa Blanca (Alicante), a regional setting with conflictive political struggles related to urban development and symbolical appropriations of place and space. Amongst others, the tactical and strategic practices of a protest movement that complains against serious misuses of the regional land use regulation by local and regional authorities will be analysed. In this regard, lifestyle mobilities do not refer exclusively to persons but also include movements of capital, objects and knowledge that are implicated in local politics and urban development.